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Planning - Ludlowville Stormwater Control Project

Ludlowville Stormwater Control Project

Project Background

Ludlowville, located in northeastern Tompkins County, has experienced repeated, localized flooding associated in large storm events. Area property owners have been concerned about increased flood events associated with stormwater. There was a need for a specialized study of the area’s hydrology and the development of an engineered system to assist in reducing the damage associated with these stormwater events. The Ludlowville Stormwater Control Project was developed over a number of years. Part I of the project, a detention pond on Lansingville Road, was finalized and operational in 2015. Part II of the project, the streambank stabilization of a tributary that connects the pond to Salmon Creek is planned for construction in 2017.

Ludlowville Stormwater Control Project Partners

Town of Lansing Highway Department
Town of Lansing, Zoning, Planning, and Code Enforcement
Tompkins County Planning Department
Tompkins County Highway Department
Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Project History

Community Questionnaire and Historical Data Review

Barton & Loguidice (B&L), the engineer hired for the project, prepared a community questionnaire for citizens within the watershed. The questionnaire was utilized to obtain historical information on local flooding from impacted residents and also served to define the interested stakeholders in the project. A stakeholder kick-off meeting was held to introduce the project team to the area residents, to discuss the general project goals and objectives, the project scope, and also solicit additional information and concepts from the stakeholders beyond the information provided in the questionnaires.

Evaluation of Existing Conditions

A Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Report will be prepared that identifies the existing conditions in the watershed drainage area. The report will identify areas of concern and will serve as the basis for evaluating design alternatives. The Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Report was built upon previous studies to reflect current site conditions, and presented conceptual scenarios for stormwater and infrastructure improvements. That report is available below.

Technical Report 1: Existing Conditions (pdf 36mb)

Evaluation Of Design Alternatives

B&L then identified the extent of improvements that would be necessary to contain the design storms within the existing flood plain limits or the stream channel. This report provided remedial alternatives incorporating cost-benefit analyses, community support, feasibility and overall protection of the watershed resources as key selection criteria. Improvements to be evaluated included construction of new detention basins, modification of stream channel alignment and replacement or modification of existing structures. That report is available below.

Technical Report 2: Alternatives Analysis

Design Of Preferred Alternative

Following input from the Project Team and community, B&L progressed with the design of the preferred alternative, an upgradient detention pond. 

Project Construction

After final design, the detention pond was then constructed by County Highway Division. B&L served as an active member of the construction management team assisting the Town and County with construction administration, permitting and inspection.


Streambank Stabilization Design and Construction 

In 2018, Tompkins County and the Town of Lansing utilized FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation funding to to further attenuate the flow of water on a tributary that connected the above described detention pond to Salmon Creek. The project worked to stabilize 350' of this tributary through a series of steps pools which flow through the Hamlet of Ludlowville. The project seeks to further reduce the quantity of water flowing to through Ludlowville while also improving water quality to Salmon Creek.