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Planning - Committees - WRC - Resolutions

Resolutions passed by the Water Resources Council





  • Amending Membership of the Water Resources Council (July 19, 2010)
  • A Resolution Raising Serious Concerns Regarding Expressing Opposition to the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Regulatory Proposal by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Raising Serious Concerns Regarding the Unattainable Mandate and Lack about the assumption of Parity Represented in Load Allocations for the State of New York Compared to Other Bay States and Watershed Jurisdiction Partners; and Requesting Intervention by Our Elected Representatives in the United States Congress, New York State Senate and New York State Assembly in Securing a Moratorium on Regulatory Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL in New York Until Such all major Objections and Concerns are Fully Addressed (November 5, 2010)